About OAO

The Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners is committed to fostering the practice and professional advancement of osteopathy.

Our Purpose

Founded in 1999, the Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OAO) is a voluntary, not-for-profit professional association, promoting the practice of osteopathy and maintaining the standards for safe and effective treatment. The OAO also organizes the continuation of professional development courses to advance the knowledge of Osteopathy within the province.

Our members are dedicated to safe and effective osteopathic treatment.

Our Objectives

To promote the practice of osteopathy in the Province of Ontario.

To develop, establish and maintain standards of practice for the safe, effective and ethical practice of osteopathy by members in Ontario, consistent with the public interest. To seek support in Ontario for the enactment of legislation by the government to regulate osteopathy by non-physician practitioners of osteopathy.

To make representation and submissions to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council, the Government of Ontario and others for the enactment of such legislation.

To represent and advocate the position of the members in Ontario, consistent with the public interest in safe, effective and ethical osteopathic health care, before administrative tribunals, health institutions, other professional organizations, the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, regulatory colleges, the provincial and federal governments and to the public.

To provide continuing educational programs in order to advance the knowledge of osteopathy in Ontario.

To promote the common interest and activities of the members in Ontario.

If you have a concern or complaint about an OAO member, please contact us.


Leading Excellence in Osteopathic Care.


Fostering the practice and professional advancement of Osteopathy


Leaders in Osteopathic Care